"There's no problem living without a will, but there are a lot of problems dying without one..."
Wills are very important, and we'll get to why. Navigating estate planning can seem awfully complicated, but Adler Legal will work hard to make sure your unique wishes are met, debunking the steps to prepare a will.
Now, let's answer some basic questions for you.
Who should have a will?
Everyone! Regardless of the amount that they own, it is the only on legal way to make sure that those who you care for will benefit from what you leave behind in the unique way that you want that to happen.
What happens if I don't have a will?
Your estate will be distributed under the rules of intestacy. For more information about intestacy, follow this link to law access NSW.
Important things to know:
- A will must be in writing to be legal and enforceable
- It can be handwritten or typed, but must be able to be read
- It does not have to be written by you but must be properly signed by you
- It can be changed, the last known will is the only effective one
- The original should be in a safe place, it is not recommended you keep the original at home in case it is lost, rather in the safe custody of a solicitor firm such as Adler Legal
- If your will is destroyed or lost, you must write a new one to avoid being intestate
Why you would need to update your will
1. New additions to a family
2. Relationship changes
3. Buying or selling of property
4. The passing of someone loved
5. Moving overseas
6. Starting or ending a business
7. Illness
8. Inheritance
9. Major financial changes
Not sure where to start with a will or have further questions? Contact us at enquiries@adlerlegal.com.au to find out how we can help you prepare a will or to just learn more about them.